Supreme Flexible Working Request Letter Example

This letter should be used to accept an employee's request for flexible working. The letter includes example paragraphs for use in different scenarios: following an original request for flexible working; and alternative paragraphs for use following a successful appeal against an earlier refusal of flexible working.
Flexible working request letter example. Employee request for flexible working arrangements template. If you wish to request flexible working arrangements then you may wish to use this letter as a template to submit your request to your employer. This template has been colour coded to assist you to complete it accurately. You simply need to replace the red < > Flexible working request letter – Sample [Date] (Do not forget to put the date, this is a legal requirement and it will also provide the date by which your employer must respond) Dear [Insert name] Flexible Working Request. Please accept this letter as a statutory request for flexible working. (NOTE: You must use the term statutory request) If you’ve received a flexible working request from an employee, but feel unsure whether you can accommodate it, our HR consultants can help. Get in touch on or give us a call on 0333 014 3888 to find out more about how we can help your business with friendly, expert HR support .
2. The Right to Request Flexible Working Application Form 3. Template Letter – Acknowledging Receipt of Flexible Working Request and Invitation to Meeting 4. Template Letter – Extending Time Limit 5. Template Letter – Agreeing to an Employee’s flexible working request 6. Template Letter - Decline a Request for Flexible Working 7. Planned structural changes, for example, where the employer intends to reorganise or change the business and considers the flexible working changes may not fit with these plans. First stage is to put your request in writing to the Headteacher; s/he then has 3 months in which to give you his/her response. This Application for Flexible Working Template provides you with a starting point to make your case for working flexibly for example following maternity leave. Please note this is not a legal document and you may need to check with your local authority regarding specific requirements for your request.
Letter Accepting Flexible Working Request [DATE] [EMPLOYEE’S NAME] [Employee’s address] Dear [name] Following receipt of your request and our meeting on [DATE], EITHER. I am pleased to confirm that we are able to accommodate your requested working pattern . OR. A Letter to Request Flexible Working (which may also be called flextime working or just flextime) is a document by which an employee can ask their employer for more flexible working options.. In the United States, there is no right to flextime, but work culture is changing and many employers have begun to consider flextime working arrangements.. Flextime could mean a fully work-at-home. Flexible working is any type of working arrangement that gives some degree of flexibility on how long, where and when an employee works. The following flexible working options are considered to be the typical arrangements that employees will request but the organisation recognises that there may be alternatives or a combination of options which are suitable to both the organisation and the.
There are two ways in which you can make a flexible working request. One is to make a formal, statutory request, that is, a request under the rules set out in law. The other is to make a non-statutory request. This page tells you the advantages and disadvantages of each and how to make both a. Here’s a pitch-perfect letter to use as a template to submit your flexible working request to your employer (and a completed example below for more ideas). The Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of great resources available, specifically around flexible working. Here are our top nine tips to consider when making a flexible working request. The Flexible Working Regulations 2014 gave employees with more than 26 weeks’ service the right to apply for a flexible working arrangement in the UK. An application can be made to the same employer once each year.
Following receipt of your flexible working application and our meeting on... (insert date), I have considered your request for a new, flexible working pattern. Unfortunately, having given full consideration to your application, I regret that the Company is unable to accommodate your request. The reasons for this are set out below. Employee request for flexible work arrangements. Example letters. These letters are examples of requests for flexible work arrangements. If you wish to request flexible working arrangements then you may wish to use the Employee request for flexible working arrangements template. For more information or assistance, visit or. Letter Sample admission letter format, application for leave letter sample, application letter for accountant example, application letter for flight attendant with no experience, bank resignation letter format, cover letter sample for accounting clerk, customer service agent cover letter, example of resignation letter english, flexible working request letter example, follow up on job offer.
Example flexible working requests and considerations. This page gives you examples of requests for flexible working and the considerations that may be made by a manager when dealing with the request. Possible compromise arrangements are suggested. This list is not exhaustive and each request needs to be considered with the individual circumstances. An example sample letter to request flexible working. This is a Precedent “Statutory Flexible Working Request” Letter for you to personalise.All the words highlighted in BOLD are legal requirements for the request to be valid.You must include these. Flexible Working Example Application Form. It is a good idea to have a standard form for employees to apply for flexible working. Our standard application form can be adapted to suit the needs of your business.